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Join Agent Lukas McIntyre as he seeks to change his career prospects and develop a more fulfilling and rounded life. Stuck in his current position at the FBI, Lukas is selected to participate in a new developmental program. His mentor is a tough, legendary FBI retiree who will make or break his career. His new case involves the sudden deaths of aging photographers, which draws him into an international pursuit of the killer. Will Lukas solve the case and save the lives of the remaining photographers or will he shrink away from the complexities of the case and the demands of his mentor?

Tilt Shift is the fourth novel in the Spook Hills Series, but it stands independently and can be read on its own. As with the forerunner novels in the series, it is far more about the characters and the intrigues of the case, than it is heavy duty FBI. Throughout the series, Steve Nielsen, the mainstay character, emphasized the use of smaller squads of agents for faster resolution of complex cases emphasizing talent, leadership and nimbleness in his rogue approach. The lead characters in each novel change, but others from prior novels appear to provide context and support. Each novel is written to stand on its own, but if you read any of the earlier books in the series, you will be rewarded by meeting old friends.

About the writings by Jayne Menard:

Our lives evolve through stages with ups and downs.  Those of us  fortunate not to be lulled into complacency in one of life's troughs, can contemplate how to begin the long scramble upward and sideward into new dimensions, through striving, ungracefully scrabbling and growing.

The novels of Jayne Menard aim to describe growth cycles through her characters.  She draws on the memories they lug along with them, the careers that devour years of time and the intervals when they stick their heads up to find the green cover of a forest watered by a fresh spring, welcomeing them into a new world – the next phase of their lives.  Along the way, each key character encounters challenges and opposing forces that push them down and threaten to obstruct their paths with insurmountable deadfalls.  Each lead character finds an image in their mind of what they want and that, live or die, is what stays with them. These are novels of personal growth, of hope, of perseverance, even at times of love.

While the print may be black and white, the colors the words paint are scripted from our world, using that lush palette for inspiration, comfort, and reflection.  A soft breeze carrying a flower's delicate perfume lures a man into a daydream.  A garden provides a place for reflection.  High mountains, dense foliage, towering rock formations or clusters of grapes each give a character what they need to reach their goals.


Life is a journey and it is always best to have a good book in hand when a fresh pathway begins.